Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Those Silly Things That I Don't Know.


Aside from being an excellent name for a superhero group, that word seems to be the speculative thorn in the side of my mind. It's those things that I can't quite grasp, control, really put my finger on that seem to crop up when I get out on vacation. Usually, I would imagine, that most people spend their free time on vacations relaxing and not really thinking about all that much. Perhaps it's a lack of structure, but given all this free time my brain likes to stretch its legs into the vast expanse of could-be's and bother me with thoughts that in all likelyhood will never come to pass.

But there's nothing like a Go Kart race to distract me.

I took a break from writing this mental defecation to go with Olie to shred some English countryside with 260cc of pure joy! Let me just say that nothing clears my blockage like careening around hairpin turns at 30mph sans seatbelt or least I had some overalls on in case I caught fire.

Now I'm in Bury St Edmunds. It's quiet and really pretty. It's where they buried Edmund. Duh.

Funny how things change so fast.

Love. It.

Or. Hate. It.

My moods are nothing if not exciting. I like writing these entries in pieces. This next section comes after a conversation with Oliver about how my mind works while on vacation.

He suggested that a "vacation" for me might be something different. Somehow he zeroed in on an idea that really piqued my interest: a trip where I work. The idea being that after the vacation is over, I've accomplished something like helped build a house, etc.

My mind is reeling with avenues to explore.

There is a fat fly that keeps landing on my thigh; I wonder if he's waiting for my food to arrive too.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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