Friday, April 18, 2008

On beginning:

So I'm realizing that this will in all likelyhood become a creative outlet for me while I'm sitting here at work. I'm sure I'll use it at other times, but like right now, I have nothing to do other than slowly slip into a food coma, so instead I'm going to write! Hurray.

Today's been relatively uneventful. My job on the whole is pretty uneventful. Buying food and running errands is the bulk of my responsibility. Which is good, I guess. It seems like I'm having more and more responsibility coming into my life outside of work nowadays, so it's nice not to have to feel too pressured to perform at the office.

Yesterday I went through the archives of my old livejournal. It was really interesting to read all of the emotions that I went through. It showed a pretty sharp contrast in my moods, almost a narrative depiction of my bipolarity. Somedays I was ecstatic, others morose, but the thing that struck me the most was the consistency of the writing. It was very inspired, and very creative. Right now, I feel out of touch with that part of my writing. I've become very deliberate and focused, but at the expense of passion. Ah, to find balance.

This journal (I really don't like the word blog) is going to end up like my LJ, but it's going to be better, more balanced. Once I get the hang of how to handle this sucker, I'm going to let it all hang out.

Focused and balanced in its chaos, naturally.

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